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Clinical Corner


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In this newsletter we take a look at a hyaluronic acid injections; a procedure our Doctors offer regularly in clinic. 

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of synovial fluid that can be found in joints. Synovial fluid in arthritic joints is thinner and less viscous (less thick) than that found in healthy joints and so provides less shock absorption and joint surface protection. Hyaluronic acid injections lubricate the joint and can also have anti-inflammatory effects. At Sportswise, we use a preparation called Ostenil Plus which is normally given as a course of three injections at weekly intervals but the exact regime will depend on the patient’s response.

What are the potential benefits?

Hyaluronic acid injections have been shown to reduce pain and improve function. It has been shown that in individuals who show positive benefits, repeating the injection can increase the duration of symptom relief. They do not have a lot of the side effects that corticosteroid injections have and on that basis repeated courses of injections can be used if indicated.

What are the risks?

Hyaluronic acid injections have very few side effects, although some people may have a slight allergic reaction which causes temporary pain and swelling in their joint after the injection. 

Can I have repeated injections?

Other than the very small risk of infection there are minimal disadvantages to repeated injections if you are having a beneficial effect. Your doctor will assess your case on an individual basis and discuss the option of this with you.

If you are interested in finding out more about this treatment option please speak to a member of our administration team or your physiotherapist for more details.

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